What We Do

          We Here at CONTROLCO manufacture Industrial Training Equipment primarily in the electrical/electronic arena. Our products are suited for Advanced High School and/or Dual Credit Students, Higher Learning in the Engineering and Vocational Tech Fields, College Workforce Training Departments, and In-House Technical Training Programs for Companies. Our Trainers are designed from the ground up to teach widely recognized hands on techniques necessary for a strong foundation in the understanding of a wide array of electrical concepts. 

Students are able to build and configure circuits using real world industrial quality components. Further, many of our trainers require the students to actually cut and strip real wire to make terminations in actual screw terminals. This in itself improves understanding of how these components are actually connected, while also building dexterity and muscle memory skills in the use of the hand tools required for this industry.


CONTROLCO begins as an electronics industrial equipment repair business


The company branches out to market PCs and networking solutions to business, K-12, and end user markets.


CONTROLCO begins consulting for industrial electrical, controls, and automation


The company begins workforce training industrial electrical personnel


CONTROLCO begins to manufacture high quality hardware training solutions for the training of industrial electrical personnel.


Development begins of portable tabletop industrial trainers with features second to none


Development begins for portable K-12 training solutions.